Fall 2023 - Week Eleven

November 24, 2023  •  Vol. 11

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday break. I am so grateful for these kids and the adventures we have been having together so far.

On Monday, we started getting ready for spring by planting some allium bulbs in our 3rd street courtyard and continued to take care of our trees by covering their soil with leaves. We also made some herb bouquets of oregano, sage, thyme and mint. To wrap up we played a game of animal charades.

On Tuesday, we enjoyed our snack with warm tea under the tent shelter in the drizzle. Then we ventured out to install a few signs and add more leaves to the tree beds. Finally we dried off in room 207 to examine the stick bugs there, talk about camouflage and why they look sticks in addition to making our herb bouquets.

On Wednesday, we discussed animal friends and foes of the garden and focused our nature walk on collecting leaves to add to the tree beds and discussed how to preserve our favorites. The kids did a wonderful job of finding leaves to fill our buckets and stomping them down so we could add more. After mulching the trees with these leaves we returned to our 3rd street garden to make some animal origami.


Fall 2023 - Week Twelve


Fall 2023 - Week Ten