Fall 2023 - Week Ten

November 17, 2023  •  Vol. 10

Happy Fall Everyone!

I can’t believe we are already in the middle of November. I am so proud of our kids and all that we have done together so far.

On Monday, we had our nature show and tell, reviewed how trees help animals and started asking how animals help trees and plants in the garden. We also installed a few more signs and made lanterns.

On Tuesday, we visited our trees and gave them some mulch for the colder days ahead. We also installed a sign and painted our last few signs before getting to work on our lanterns.

On Wednesday, we had a very busy day. We played the game “Who Am I?” by describing animal behavior in a forest or garden setting. We looked at a book on Weather one of our classmates brought in. We talked about how animals spread seeds and discovered how to collect seeds on our own. We also put new soil in our planters that were empty and created a shelter in our garden for one of the class bears. Finally, we made lanterns and did a lantern walk, singing songs around the garden.


Fall 2023 - Week Eleven


Fall 2023 - Week Nine