Fall 2023 - Week Four

October 6, 2023  •  Vol. 4

Greetings Honeysuckle Families on this rainy Friday!

It’s October and this month our focus is on Trees! Each child this week adopted a tree on the school property to take care of.

On Monday, we started using sandpaper to connect to the wood that we use every day in our garden and also to help keep our hands from getting splinters. We started off class with this sandpaper station and a new compost cutting station in addition to the ever-popular water station. Then we met our adopted trees and did some bark rubbings to get a feel for the different types of textures each tree has. We wrapped up class making some fairy gardens and compost tea.

On Tuesday, we discovered that one of our planters had lots and lots of worms and got busy making little bug homes for them. We met our trees and did some leaf rubbings in addition to bark rubbings.  

On Wednesday, we checked in our individual compost bags and mold-growing projects. We talked about the different parts of a tree, met our adopted trees, and got down to business taking care of them by pulling out the weeds and a few garbage pieces. We all did a very good job finding gloves to wear beforehand and washing our hands thoroughly afterwards. I was delighted with how happy the kids were to take care of these trees who need so much love.


Fall 2023 - Week Five


Fall 2023 - Week Three