Winter Session

Air Focus

Our 13-week session begins January 2nd and ends on March 27. We will dress in layers and at a minimum do our nature walk outside. Should we need a respite from the cold or a place to work on crafts, we have Room 207 available to use inside the school.

The class is from 2:45-5pm. Pickup no later than 5:30pm. 

No class during Mid-Winter Break, Martin Luther King Day.

Half Days offered include January 26 and March 15.

 Each month has a craft list of possible projects related to the curriculum below. 

January - Weather

 Week One: 1/2-1/3, Introduce Air element focus and weather topic, felt weather calendar, compare weather. 

Week Two: 1/8-1/10, Garden dream plan, wishlist, plan

Week Three: 1/14-1/17, Electricity and lightning, order seeds

Week Four: 1/22-1/24, Focus on learning to knit, Plant paperwhites, Start weather scarf  

Week Five: 1/29-1/31, Start seeds indoors with growlight, Sun Salutation yoga, Solar panels (Possibly visit El Sol Brilliante with their solar powered water pumps)

Crafts: cobweb balls, paper snowflakes, ice sculpture, thunderstorm in a cup, orange pomander, windchime mobile, rain gauge, water cycle in a jar, rainy day spiral mobile, lemon pin cushion, stitched felt bookmarks.

Possible guest speaker on Cocoa.

February -Stars & Moon

 Week Six: 2/5-2/8, Introduce Moon, moon cycles and gardening,

Week Seven: 2/12-2/15, Introduce Stars and Constellations

Week Eight: 2/26-2/29, Candles (bees), Preparing for spring, Sow hardy seeds outdoors 

Crafts: Star wands, roll beeswax candles, woven necklace, constellation book, starry night bookmarks, constellation theater, heart sachet.

Possible guest speaker on astronomy.

March - Birds

 Week Nine: 3/4-3/6, Introduce birds:beaks, feathers, wings; How do birds interact with garden, seeds.

Week Ten: 3/11-3/13, Bird spotting with field guides, bird song, favorite birds

Week Eleven: 3/18-3/20, Migration, Hummingbirds

Week Twelve, 3/25-3/27, Bird nests, baby birds 

Crafts: Bird puppets and puppetshow, birdfeeders, hummingbird perch, birds houses and nests, bird tote bags

Possible guest speaker on bird watching.



