Beka Wallace Beka Wallace

Fall 2023 - Week Two

Our little community is growing!

September 22, 2023  •  Vol. 2

Our little community is growing at The Honeysuckle Society and we spent Week Two getting to know the individual plants in the garden—specifically the pollinator-friendly plants!

On Monday, our nature walk around the garden focused on finding the plants that the pollinators love like Anise Hyssop, Joe Pye Weed, Milkweed, and Coneflowers to name a few. Charli Rose noticed that the beloved beans we shelled last week, had already sprouted this week! We looked at some flower parts up close to see what the pollinators are working with, we whipped up some more mud shakes and also started to learn how to knit with our fingers.

On Tuesday we started collecting plants for our herbarium on our nature walk, hunted down some more pollinator-friendly plants, made our last mud shake and created some mini-butterfly gardens.

On Wednesday, we focused on using our sense of smell to find the find the pollinator-friendly plants, in addition to our eyes. We finished making our butterfly gardens and did some more fingerknitting.

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Beka Wallace Beka Wallace

Fall 2023 - Week One

It’s been an amazing first week

September 15, 2023  •  Vol. 1

It’s been a great first week in our little community at The Honeysuckle Society! I have had so much fun exploring the garden with your kids.

On Monday we had our first nature walk around the garden and made a major discovery: beans! We dug in the dirt and examined the soil with a magnifying glass, introduced nature journals and created our first set of magic wands.

On Tuesday we harvested, went on a rainbow scavenger hunt, and dined on a cucumber from our very own garden.

On Wednesday, we made a mud shake to learn about the different components of soil, discovered another cucumber and designed some geometric sculptures with toothpicks and soaked beans. We also decided on names for the east and west sections of the garden: the “House-Bean” side and the “Bushy-Bushy” side.

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