Winter 2024 - Week Seven

February 16, 2024  •  Vol. 22

Greetings Honeysuckle Families,

It’s the Gazette, Evening Edition this week! I hope everyone has had a great week and enjoyed the snowfall. I’m so glad these kids are getting several chances to play in the snow this winter.

On Monday, we welcomed a new member to the Society which is always a treat! We got down to work checking the thermometer, filling out our weather chart, and discussing the current moon phase. Our Special Guest Teacher Ellen Thiemann who will be helping out next Monday, met the children and assisted them in their garden activities like finding worms in the composter and sweeping up. Next it was time to visit our beautiful Elm trees on 4th street for a little decorating with yarn. Finally, the Society helped transplant dirt from one of our tree planters that needs mesh installed to ward off the great villain of the garden, the rat!

On Wednesday, we had hot cocoa with marshmallows for Valentine’s Day and cookies to celebrate a Society member’s birthday who will be traveling during her birthday month in March. The children also met Stephanie Skaff who will lead their class while I’m away week after next. I was able to find an actual cocoa pod to bring in so that the children could see where chocolate comes from. We read a book about chocolate, and then they got to work with their creative outdoor play. Pretty soon it was time to go inside and warm up. We finished up a gnome and worked a bit on a wrapping our balls of yarn.


Winter 2024 - Week Six