Winter 2024 - Week Four

January 27, 2024  •  Vol. 19

Greetings Honeysuckle Families,

This late-breaking Gazette is coming to you after an action-packed visit to the Natural History Museum yesterday. I think it’s safe to say that all of the adult chaperones are probably still recovering (thank you, chaperones!!). We had such a fun time and it was a gift to see the kids exploring the museum with such curiosity: natural explorers and scientists, all of them! But first, let’s recap the week.

On Monday, the children were bursting at the seams, ready to play outside. While most of the snow on the ground had melted, some frosty ice sheets covered the bleachers and the kids had fun lifting them up with shovels. We ate homemade oatmeal cookies and tea, and of course, a few snowballs were thrown.

On Tuesday, we checked on our trees and newly-adopted planters in the 4th street courtyard. We asked the question, why is it cold in the winter and warm in the summer, and I heard many great responses (including the correct one!). Then we headed inside where more children started working on sewing up coats for the Winter Gnomes. I’m so proud of their patient attention as they work on their sewing skills.

On Wednesday, we made ice sculptures with the remaining ice blocks in the garden. The children loved this activity so much they abandoned their snacks in order to play! We splashed in puddles, made an ice cake and mixed some potions for a stuffed animal veterinary practice. Then we went inside to work on our Gnomes and Winter Scarf Project.

On Friday, the kids were so excited for our big museum field trip! I was very impressed with their savvy subway skills. Our lovely chaperones brought muffins for the kids to snack on (again, thank you chaperones!). When we made it to the museum, the kids had to celebrate with a few laps outside chasing birds. Inside, our first stop was the Rose Center. It was not necessary at all to engage the children in the exhibits or spark their curiosity. They were ready. Next up was the fourth floor to see the Dinosaurs. Time flew by and before we knew it our time was up and we had to start heading home. Many of the children were disappointed to leave and not see their favorite exhibits, so perhaps we can plan a slightly longer trip this year.


Winter 2024 - Week Five


Winter 2024 - Week Three